The ChroniCOLE

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I think spring is here!

Sorry it has been so long since the last post. Jolene came last wednesday and stayed through sunday morning. We had such a wonderful time with her and got to catch up and have a good time. She and I had some girly time and went had had pedicures one afternoon and I got my hair hightlights and chopped off saturday morning. A whole 4 was almost to the middle of my it is below my shoulders still but so much healthier and fun.
Troy, Jolene and myself also went to a Titus Justus concert. It was really fun - check them out at I think they have the potential to be big some day. Troy put up new lights around the outside of the house - I would say I helped but I am not sure holding a light for 3 minutes really counts. :)
We took Jolene back the airport on sunday am, met Lori for church and then TJ actually ended up being in INDY on sunday with a touring group he is with. We were able to have lunch with him and spend some time with him in the afternoon so that was fun.
My parents come tonight until Saturday morning so that will be really nice to see them and they haven't seen the house since September. So much has been done since then!
I am loving the warmer weather - I can't wait for tshirts and shorts :)


Blogger mitchells2000 said...

Please tell your parents hello from Chris and Heather Mitchell! Have a great time with them, as I'm sure you will.

3/22/2007 10:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yay for visiting with your family! How fun to have them in your home to share your life and see all the progress that's been made. I've never heard of titus justis. Is it a Christian band?

3/23/2007 12:57 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Sounds like an awesome time! I'm getting in the mood to go to a concert too. We have the tour with the third day guy, Brian Littrell, etc. coming to our church next month. Our radio station is also giving away tickets to Fish Fest with Steven Curtis Chapman, Sanctus Real, David Crowder band, etc. The Fray is also coming up here in June. Love their song "How to Save a Life." I downloaded that as a ringtone. Ok enough music ramblings. Glad you had some time to spend w/ your family :)

3/23/2007 2:57 PM  
Blogger Monica said...

No way,Jen!!!!! Brian Littrell is going to Fox?? When?

Phew, Sherry....I thought you guys had falling off the face of the blogging world :P Jolene on her knees in that picture of the two of you????? Teehee

3/24/2007 12:40 AM  
Blogger the johnson crew said...

time with your family, sounds so nice.

praise the Lord for the nice warm weather. so encouraging.


3/25/2007 7:54 PM  
Blogger Wentzel Weekly said...

Come here for the t-shirts and shorts anytime girl!:)

Say hi to your parents for me.

Hey, put a new pic of your hair cut on here. Sounds cute!

3/29/2007 6:17 PM  

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