Weight Gain
I know this is everyone favorite topic... :)
I just had my dr. apt today and I am 7 months pregnant....however, my last two appointments I have had rapid weight gain. My doctor isn't concerned at all so that is reassuring but when you have spent most of your adult life, running, exercising and watching what you eat it can be a little scary. Right now I have gained 18lbs which I know isn't that much but I gained 9 in the first 5 months and 9 in the past 2 months.....growth spurt of the baby right?!?! I really haven't been eating for two - honestly!
So....share with me - how much did you gain when you were pregnant? I won't tell anyone I promise :)
I gained 33 pounds with Chloe and 28 with Clive. That sounds like a lot but it's within the recommended 25-35 pound limit. I say don't worry about it! The time to worry about weight gain is when you're 6mos post partum. Enjoy the pregnancy and the freedom to gain weight without guilt!
Well, this is interesting, since we are both neck and neck in this baby race. With Jack I started out way underweight for my age and height, I had pretty much been starving myself (a story in its own right), so when I got pregnant I saw it as a green light to eat, eat, eat! I gained 43 pounds! Afterward, I went down to a "modest" weight, which was 20 lbs heavier than I was when I got pregnant with Jack. So far, like you, I've gained 18 lbs, and the majority of it was in the last two months. We have the same doctor, and he was unconcerned about my weight gain as well. All that said, I think we're doing ok! The hardest part will be the next two months as we slow down more and have a tendency (at least I do) to eat because I'm depressed about the way I look. What a cycle, huh?
I gained about 26 lbs with Audrey. I think there is a point where you do seem like you have "a big weight gain." I remember feeling like I hadn't changed anything in my diet but the scales said otherwise. I actually didn't gain much the last few weeks; funny I felt like I had put on a ton of weight (I had a lot of swelling, resorted to wearing flip flops), but the scales said I had hardly gained! I'm with Alicia don't worry about the weight at this point! You have enough to take care of as you prepare for your little one!!
I think faster weight gain is normal the farther along you get. Enjoy being pregnant and eat what you want is what I say! :) With Luke I gained 40-45 pounds - not sure of the end weight, but it was pretty hefty. It was a humid summer in KY and my feet were pretty swollen. That and I ate about a watermelon a week. :) With Simon, I didn't gain ANY weight until about 5 months, then gained 20 pounds. I guess Luke gets the credit for the low weight gain. :)
I gained between 25 and 30 pounds with each of the kiddos. That being said, I don't put on any weight until 4 or 5 months along (from being sick), so you can imagine it packs on pretty heavily in those last few months. Don't worry, it will all come off in good time! =)
Well I am just getting started. I am only 16 weeks along and have actually lost 1 pound. My doctor however wants me to gain between 25 and 35 pounds by the time it is all said and done. I was a little annoyed by that since I was already 40 pounds overweight when I got pregnant. I was hoping to gain no more than 10. I am not changing much about my diet so we will see how much I actually gain. I know if I don't gain much before my next appointment he is probably not going to be happy.
Well, I am in the other camp. I would be concerned about a very rapid gain. I didn't gain weight until about 5 months. Then I gained very little...that is until I started to have swelling, eventual pre-eclampsia and heart issues. So, it isn't ok to just ignore it especially if you are eating healthfully. I started all those problems at 28-30 weeks with each of the three pregnancies.
Make sure to get lots of water to flush stuff out and watch your salt to keep from gaining more water weight.
I am sure you are just gaining the normal baby weight. I only gained 18 total. With 9 coming in the last couple of weeks....so that is how we knew something was going wrong. Your blood pressure is good though right? That was my second best indicator besides my swollen cankles :)
Love you!
With my first I gained 32 1/2 and with my second I gained 31. I am pretty sure I am going to surpass both of those weights this time, but I'm trying to not stress about it. Being pregnant over the holidays certainly didn't help!
Well, i've gained about 20lbs now and I've just reached my 7th month too. I've been pretty happy with how things have gone. I've been gaining it slowly. I often tell tom what our "little girl" would like to eat...such as desserts or other sweet things. She is just such a sweet tooth I can't believe it.
22, 23, and 24 pounds. It's def normal to gain more toward the end! Enjoy it! You have an excuse a little bit longer!
Well, I guess I'm with Betty - I didn't gain most of mine until the very end. I gained 35, I think - and being two weeks overdue - that didn't help matters, either.
But, at my first postpartum visit - 17 pounds was gone and by four weeks out - I was seven pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight - which I wasn't too proud of to begin with - but I was happy to be that close to my starting weight.
The thing is now - my pre-pregnancy clothes fit - they just fit weird - I'm working on it.
I love my elliptical - well - love? Let's just say that I love having an elliptical at home!
You'll be fine, I have no doubt! love ya'
Okay, so my numbers are about to top the previous--unless I missed something. . . with Sara I gained 48pounds!! YES-48! I weighed 174 when I gave birth to her and literally looked like someone had pumped me up--I had SO much water retention(blame THAT on the McDonalds cheeseburgers I craved;) With Silas, it's hard to say, since my water broke at 34 weeks. . . but it was somewhere in the mid 20's at that point, and this one I have gained 26 so far(not counting the three I dropped and then put back on b/c of being sick) and I have three and a half weeks left. . .I gained 2 lbs last week alone:( Anyway, I love being pregnant and figure it's the only time I have an excuse to gain weight:) No worries--enjoy it!
Ha, can I remember all 6?? 32, 30, 35, 32, 40, and the last one was 35+ I stopped looking at the end because I was on bed rest and couldn't handle watching the scale go up anymore! :-) My biggest problem was 6 kids in 8 1/2 years and never getting to a "normal" weight between any of them. Now that the youngest is almost 3 and life is starting to get more sane I'm focusing on getting me back in shape..... it will be a long process!!
ok, so it looks like i'm the fatso here and will make you feel good about your weight gail ;-) Luke was 36 and stephen was 46 (but i attribute alot of that to big a big bust:-)
With Kylie I gained 34, and with Mia I gained 24. I'm not sure what the difference was except I felt more sick with Mia than with Kylie at the beginning, and I was busy with a toddler at home. One tip for losing weight after you give birth is NURSING! I don't know if you plan on nursing, but that will help those extra pounds melt away more quickly.
Okay Sherry, just for you...I gained almost 60 pounds. At the end I was heading into Pre-eclampsia also...I can also tell you that in FOUR DAYS I lost 17 pounds! I thought I would be so freaked out right now (5 days post delivery...)...but I'm not. I'm just going to eat right and take care of those 3 cute men living in my house and the weight will fall off (I might eat a few less candy bars also...but not go into total deprivation). You will get a look at him and you won't care! I promise. I'd put on 60 more if I had to, if it meant taking him home!
with jackson i gained 32lbs and with owen i only gained 10 - seriously...that's not a typo! So, i'm back to my pre-owen-pregnacy weight - but still carrying around a pesky 15 from jackson. the Lord knew i didn't need to add more insult to injury! :)
enjoy it! it's the only time in your life you don't have to worry about sucking in your stomach!!!
With Victoria I gained 28 lbs and with Logan about 10 lbs. That had something to do with them only being 14 months apart. When I found out I was pregnant with Logan Victoria was only 5 months old...I hadn't even lost all that i gained with her so I was so determined not to gain to much with Logan.
You look great by the way!!!
With Luke, I gained 40...and he came a month early!! With Em, I gained 21...much easier to lose 21 pounds than 40! Just remember, it took you 9 months to gain the weight...give yourself at least than long to lose it. Enjoy your baby, don't worry about the weight.
By the way, "mom" is Karen Helmer...can't figure out how to change that.
well, let's see ... in all, I had gained almost 40 by last Wednesday (yes, really! it just kept coming at the end and I was swelling alot with the preeclampsia). Since her birth last week, I've been on modified bed rest and 28 pounds have disappeared ... not kidding. If you are trying to eat what sounds good and trying to be healthy I do believe it will just work the way its supposed to :) -ashley
60 the first time and 30 the next time, and now I'm 6 pounds lighter than when we got married. so it DOES come off!
Also, those people who tell you breastfeeding makes the pounds come off? They're also eating salads all day. That was the most frustrating thing to learn after the baby came - that the weight loss/breastfeeding thing is a LIE!
YOu look great! Exciting times ahead!
p.s. Can my excuse for the first pregnancy be that we were told she was going to die? I mean, that counts for some comfort food, right? ;)
Hey Sherry! Not sure if you'll scroll down beyond the other 23 comments, but I'm so excited for you! Jamie gal keeps us posted on all the class news back in Lafayette, but I don't think she mentioned your pregnancy! I thought I might be the only one who gained over 60 pounds with their first child, but I was comforted to see a few others. It does come off, but it takes effort. I'm due with our second baby on April 2, and I've gained 40this go 'round. This too shall pass. ;)
oh spare me... i have gained 55 lbs and counting... reading rae's post encouraged me... i sure hope this is going to come off... and i don't have pre-clampsia or anything. - oh i can't wait. i miss being thin... maybe with six kids it will just drop off!
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