The ChroniCOLE

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Continued Top 10 list

10) When driving down the road, you instinctively pull into the hardware store only to realize in the parking lot that you didn’t actually need anything this time (I actually did this)

9) When getting a pedicure at the most expensive salon in town, you request polish that matches the bedroom paint (just in case you splatter while touching up, I guess)

8-2) We’ll just keep adding them on

1) You hear your wife say “Baby, I really like this drill.”

Keep your eyes peeled. We’ll hopefully have some new pictures yet this week of the bedroom, bathroom, and closet. We’re getting closer to crunch time.


Blogger Chad said...

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11/14/2006 12:58 PM  
Blogger Chad said...

Hey Sherry,
I wasn't sure if you would remember me from NBBC, but I came across your blog after Paul Valentine said they got an email from you. I am glad to see you are happily married and what sounds like you are having a great time. I enjoy reading the things you are doing. They inspire me to demo my house. If you are ever in Lexington, KY, stop in to see us and the Valentines.

Chad Mondragon

11/14/2006 12:59 PM  
Blogger the johnson crew said...

nice sherry,

you are so funny! i can't wait to see those pics!


11/14/2006 6:33 PM  

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