The ChroniCOLE

Sunday, December 07, 2008


I love this picture.

I think Jacob might be a pilot or something - Troy always has him flying through the air.

We just got home from vacation.....there is something wrong with going from 77 degree weather to 7 degree weather within 13 hours. We had a great time visiting family and friends and getting some rest. Jacob was sick the first four days and was pretty miserable but he recovered 1oo% and was back to his cheerful self. We took 10 days and drove to went really well and Jacob travelled so well.
We stayed with Beth and Eric in TN and then with Alyssa and Chris in Greenville, SC. We surprised Sarah Curtis which was wonderful and then we spent hte rest of the time with Troy's family in Florida.


Blogger Alyssa said...

We so enjoyed seeing you guys too!!!!! It was wonderful. I am still working on your pictures, and will get them to you asap:).
Glad you had fun in FL, and Jacob is feeling better! He is such a sweetie!
Love you, friend!

12/07/2008 11:37 AM  
Blogger Monica said...

how fun!! I am so jealous......for so many reasons

1. a vacation.....oh I so could use a break

2. warm weather.....Being in warm sunshine sounds so good, plus it would be great for my now milky skin

3. Seeing friends!

4. Rest....did you really say that? I thought that was a four letter word :) (no, I know it really does have four letters..but I was just...oh never mind)

12/08/2008 10:16 AM  
Blogger Alyssa said...

Your pictures are up on my blog:)

12/09/2008 4:46 AM  

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