The ChroniCOLE

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Well....Troy and I are definately American Idol fans....we watch it.....enjoy it....laugh....are completely shocked by the untalent we see but nonetheless once again laugh. I am always amazed at how cranky these contestants get after they have been told that they are terrible. Do they not hear themselves. Who is telling them they are good? I am not choir material and can barely hold a tune. And I would NEVER go on National Television to be reminded of that fact. Anyways, it is a very enjoyable time for my hubbie and I - to laugh - be surprised (sometimes pleasantly) and to always watch the judge's faces. That is the best part.
So tonight starts Survivor - Troy got me hooked when we started dating and we are looking forward to another season. We are having his brother and sister-in-law over tonight for supper and survivor celebration. How Fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go, Troy. Congratulations on getting her hooked to the greatest television show--EVER!!! Sherry, the answer to this next question will tell whether or not you are really that great of a fan...Have you checked out the new castaways online yet? Hmmmm.

2/02/2006 12:49 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

I too enjoy Idol. It's good for a laugh.

So . . . congratulations you two! I think Janelle told me you were getting married. I'm so happy for you. I'll tag your blog and look forward to checking it often! Watch out for all of us stay-at-home-mom bloggers! :)

K. Bruno

2/02/2006 8:54 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

I totally forgot to proclaim my love for Survivor! (See my most recent post.) I'm a dedicated fan; and, yes, I read all of the new castaway bios weeks ago. (Actually, that's a bit embarrasing.) My mother-in-law is also a huge fan, so she came down so we could watch it together (and celebrate my b-day).

I think the older women were a bit silly to vote Tina out; but Tina was pretty foolish to say the others weren't pulling their own weight. Cirie should've been the one to go. Hey, should we start a Survivor Blog? (Just Kidding. I really do have a life and don't have that much time on my hands.)

2/02/2006 9:23 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I am so in love with Survivor!!! This is probably one of my favorite seasons!! I love you both and miss you terribly!

2/10/2006 1:13 PM  

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